11" Round Peacock Texture
11" dia.
earthenware texture tile for fusing and texturing glass
To create colorful texture peacock bowls as photographed:
- treat texture tile with Boron Nitrate spray glass separator
- fill the various cavities on the texture tile with medium grain frit according to your artistic preferences
- place either a 10" - 11" dia. piece of glass (double thick clear works superbly) over the frit on the tile
- fire the project using this firing schedule: Rate 1 - 275/hr Temp 1 - 1100 Hold 1 - 20, Rate 2 - 275/hr Temp 2 1225 Hold 2 - 60 min, Rate 3 - 275 Temp 3 - 1330 Hold 3 10, Rate 4 - 300 Temp 4 - 1470 Hold 4 - 5-10 min (If fusing double thickness = 10, single = 5), Rate 5 - 9999 Temp 5 - 960 Hold 5 - 60 , Rate 6 - 100 Temp 6 - 750 Hold 6 - 5
- allow the kiln to return to room temperature before opening